< MaiKaMahi
So yeah, the chicken is gone. Hahahaha. Another dog came and took it out of our yard. Another dog that runs the neighborhood stealing chickens. Another Gogi. Hahaha. We have kept Gogi chained up since then so the next chicken mishap will so not be his fault.

Adam starts school on Tuesday. We will be reverting back to his days in the Army where I never saw him except when he was coming home to sleep. LOL. That means less help around the house, but it also means less Adam mess. :oP I don't know if it's worth it yet...

Adam and I also decided to start trying to get pregnant again. I have had a normal period for the last 6 months, and he will be getting his GI Bill money every month pretty soon here, and I want to have my first baby while I am living here with Gretta so she can help me with the newborn stuff I don't know yet. Gretta told me about 10 times yesterday that she wanted me to hurry up and get pregnant because now that she can't have anymore kids, she wants a baby around the house. Haha. I am hoping her infertility caused by the IUD she had put in will cause my fertility to kick in. She was the fertile one and I was the infertile one. Time for the tables to turn if you ask me! I'm not getting any younger. I'm 26, and we want to have more than one kid. If it takes us this long to get pregnant every time, I better start now or I will be too old before I know it. Some people will probably think this is a bad time because he is starting school and we are living with Gretta, but the same circumstances that equal bad timing for them equal some really great advantages to doing it now to us. Besides, we are married, and we want to have kids. It's our decision and we have thought long and hard about it. We would make awesome parents (or so I have been told) and we are going into it with our eyes open. I am 26 for crying out loud. I think I am old enough to have kids. LOL.

Anyway, that's all for now! Auf Wiedersehen!!

Before & After

Gogi the chicken bandit.
The first day of Adam's new life.



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