< MaiKaMahi
Well, Adam just left for his first night on the night crew, and then he goes from work right to school in the morning, so tonight will be my first night sleeping in my bed all by myself. No Adam there to snuggle up to, no Adam to keep me warm, no Adam to share my pillow with...

Can I just say....


You thought I was gonna complain huh? Hahahaha. I love Adam, don't get me wrong, but he is a cover stealing, pillow hogging, sweating beast when he is asleep. LOL. I get the WHOLE BED TO MYSELF!!! I can toss and turn as much as I want. I get ALL THE PILLOWS. AND I don't have to worry about him rolling himself up in the blanket like a hibernating bear. I got VERY used to sleeping alone when he was in the Army and after he got out I just never really got used to sleeping with him again. I think our bed is just too small. But, I won't have to worry about it for the next 31 months! I will be sleeping well tonight!!

Before & After

Baby making??



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