< MaiKaMahi
I know, I am awful at updating.

I was having a bad bad month until my birthday. Then I got some awesome presents, went to the movies with Adam, and got a package in the mail from my girls at Solo-Ops (THANKS GIRLS!). So, things started looking up.

Then I weighed myself and I have lost 7 lbs. GO ME!

Then I started getting normal on my cycle and took a few ovulation tests and it appears I am probably ovulating. FINALLY some normality.

Then today I found Adam's DD214 after 8 months of thinking it was gone forever, so he can FINALLY start school and we can FINALLY have enough money every month to live off of without overdrawing. It is IMPOSSIBLE to live off of $900 a month. Impossible.

So that's the dealio.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Before & After

Good news, bad news, and potentially good news.



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