< MaiKaMahi
I know, it's been a while since I updated. Things have been going well, though. Not the best, but well.

Gretta had a cancer scare this month, and thank God it turned out to be something else. She got an abnormal PAP when she went into PP to get some BC and ended up having to get a biopsy. The results showed severe cervical dysplasia so she had a LEEP procedure a few weeks ago to get rid of it. So far everything is going good with that, but we will find out for sure in September if they got it all.

Adam and I are doing better. I was going bonkers again with the whole computer thing, and he wasn't doing near his share in chores around the house. Actually, he wasn't doing ANYTHING around the house. Gretta and I stewed over it for a few days, then I fought with him for a few days, and then I finally cracked and he realized that it would be better to just swallow his pride and give in. Things have been much better ever since, and the house has been clean! Tomorrow we have the satellite guy coming to put in a DVR and move the other receiver down to my room. Adam and I got a 32" TV for $300 and we want some channels. LOL.

Otherwise things are pretty normal. School is out so the kids are playing all the time. We got a pool for the back yard so we swim a lot. I even have a tan! Gretta is probably going to quit one of her jobs and go back to school, which will be AWESOME for her. Adam loves working at Sam's Club and they absolutely adore him there. Gretta says that before he started there, the maintenance guys were the joke of the club. Now everyone loves them. Adam has made an awesome impression in the club.

I was reading some back entries and forgot to post a picture of my nephew Jayme. I actually have a little portfolio on Photobucket of pictures that I have taken recently that I am proud of. It is here if you want to see them. The PW is trina. You can see the pictures better if you click on them and look at them full size.

And Jayme, my adorable nephew Jayme. Here he is with Adam back in December.

I also have to post a picture of my puppy Kegogi. He is getting SO BIG! He is about 4 and a half months old now and SO adorable.

Okay, enough pics for now. I will post some more later.

Before & After

Money, money, money, money!!!
Fo Rizza.



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