< MaiKaMahi
MY HOUSE SOLD! I don't know if I mentioned this before, but my house sold, finalized, everything is done, and the check is in the mail. I got $2500 last Friday, but seeing as how we were 2 months behind on car payment and 3 months behind on car insurance, I paid up 3 months of the car note and 6 months of the insurance. Felt so damn good, too.

So I have another $6200 coming to me, and I have plans for every penny of it. Every stinkin' penny. That's right folks, don't bother asking for a loan. It's all spent and I haven't even gotten it yet. Get your own damn money. :oP

So, I don't know if I mentioned my vacation to Arizona, or the week with the in-laws, but it was mortifying, and that's all I will say about it. I don't know who reads this, and my feelings are my business. Just know that I got a pretty funny looking voo doo doll out of the whole experience.

So the summer has started early for Angela. She broke out in a mild case of chicken pox on Friday, and with only two weeks of school left we are just going to keep her out of school for the rest of the year. Ruby loves having her home, although having her home is keeping Ruby from taking a nap and making her really cranky in the evenings.

I thought I would have to get pregnant to deal with all of this craziness.

Oh, and stereotypes about Republicans drive me bonkers. I get tired of being lumped in with the religious right and blamed for the "baptism of America" by every liberal or Democrat I come across just because it says "Republican" on my expired voters registration card. No, I don't believe that marriage is a sacred vow between a man and a woman and the state should make a law saying that. No, I am not trying to take away a womans right to reproductive freedom. No, I do not value money above all else. No, I do not want to make a woman go to jail for refusing a medical procedure. No, I will not believe there are WMD's hidden in Iraq somewhere until we find them hidden in Iraq somewhere. No, I do not have a George W. Bush bumper sticker on my car, or a poster on my wall. Bush isn't the only Republican, and this administration isn't the only one to ever do anything with a mostly Republican cabinet. Get over yourself.

That's all for now folks. Auf Wiedersehen!

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