< MaiKaMahi
Gretta came home last night instead of staying the night in Logan, and let me tell you, I really needed it. I miss hanging out with her. I miss it just being me and her joking around and talking. I had a lot of fun last night just bullshitting and watching a movie. I miss her. I really do.

My house closed yesterday so I should be getting money soon. I am so excited. Adam used the wrong banks card when he bought a printer the other night so we don't have enough money to cover the check I wrote his dad. I could take half of the money out of our other account and put it in the one I wrote the check on, but since there is no branch for that bank anywhere near here that would be a little hard. Adam better call him and let him know before he tries to cash the check.

Oh, and that charge that I talked about yesterday for almost $2000... well the bank declined it and I told them the situation so they put a stop payment on it. Then I called up the company that did it and literally screamed at the guy cussing him out. Fucking asshole.

Well, Adam is hungry and if I am going to convince him to do the dishes again I am going to have to make him lunch.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Before & After

Fed up.



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