< MaiKaMahi
Well, Gretta read my diary and man I felt like an asshole. But I made her feel like an asshole, so we are just a pair of assholes. LOL. It's all good though. She has proven once again what a good friend she is. We went out to dinner last night, just me and her, and we had an awesome time. We talked about men, and kids, and our lives. It was awesome, and I think really, the source of all of my frustration, is just that I miss her more than anything.

Although, another source of frustration lately is my husband. Adam... man... I love him more than anyone else on this planet, but he has never made me want to physically harm him more than in this past week. Let's use Saturday as an example. Saturday the house is a disaster. He had already been on the computer two days that week for hours at a time playing this awful Dungeon Keeper game. There was already trash piled up, the litter box still not cleaned out, and dishes piled up on the computer desk. So, saturday Gretta was home, the kids were home, Hanna was home, and we are all hanging out. Adam got up around 11 (he swears it was noon but I KNOW it was before) and gets on the computer. We take turns asking him to take out the trash, or pick something up, or just get off the computer. Then we get frustrated and start to talk about what an addict he is, knowing full well he can hear us. Then I start to get angry at him for still being on there. Around 6:30, he is STILL on the computer. I told him that I needed him to take me to the store to get some milk and cash in Gretta's lottery ticket. He acknowledged me, but after 10 minutes had still made no effort to remove his butt from the chair and drive me to the store. So, I finally got fed up, grabbed the money and the lottery ticket, and proceeded to walk tot he store in my slippers, PJ pants, t-shirt, jacket, and NO BRA. Did he come after, or better yet, even notice that I had left? Um, NO. So Gretta asks me if I wanted her to drive me. I, being the stubborn person I am, refused her ride because I wanted him to feel bad. When I got home, I went down stairs because I was fuming and afraid I was going to hurt him, or worse, hurt someone else in my rage. I ended up falling asleep and waking up hungry and needing to pee around 11:30pm. So, I head upstairs, go pee, and get myself a plate of food. Adam is sitting on the chair instead of on the computer, which makes me hopeful that he got off, but then angry that he waited until I fell asleep to do it. Kinda like a big "Fuck you Trina" to me. Then, when Adam leaves the room, Gretta tells me that he had only gotten off the computer a few minutes before I came upstairs. The boy spent like TWELVE HOURS ON THE COMPUTER!!

And that isn't all that uncommon. Twice or three times a week that happens. I threatened to take his stupid game and break it and it didn't phase him. (I did end up taking it and another game though. Hehe.) Now, if Adam did anything, and I mean ANYTHING, then I wouldn't be so harsh on him. But... he has no job, and hasn't made a real effort to find a job since we got up here, he does no housework, and even when we bug him to do something he still sits on his ass. Am I wrong in thinking that I shouldn't have to ask my GROWN HUSBAND to clean up a mess, take out the trash, clean the litter box, cook a meal, do a load of laundry, ANYTHING! Especially when he isn't working? He is a grown man, and is capable of seeing a mess, and cleaning it up. I shouldn't have to BEG him to help me. I shouldn't have to remind him to help me. I especially shouldn't have to yell at him to take out the trash for three damn days in a row because the trash is so piled up in the kitchen that you can't get through one of the doors.

And before you ask me why I don't just take it out before it gets that bad myself... I cook, I clean, I do laundry, and I watch children ALL DAY. No, I am not the perfect housewife with a spotless house and perfectly wll behaved kids (well, neices and nephew at least), but I make a real effort to keep up with everything around here. I deserve some help from my husband who sits around all day. Basically he is behaving like a child, so what other choice do I have than to treat him like a child? I have tried the asking nicely and gentle reminders. None of it has worked. So, I have to resort to treating him like my neices and nephew. If he refuses to do something, and throws a fit, I will be showing him that his tantrums work and he can get away with not doing what he is responsible for if I do it for him when he throws a fit. Then he will never do anything because he will know that if he refuses I will do it anyway. Make sense?

Besides I am tired of doing it all. LOL. So we had a family meeting and assigned chores to everyone and now I don't feel so overwhelmed. I have the living room. Just the living room, and that's all. Gretta and Adam and I stayed up cleaning until almost midnight last night, we got tons accomplished, and Adam got himself off my shit list. For the time being at least. LOL. I love him.

Before & After

Night with Gretta
Ghedi Punk, new and improved!



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