< MaiKaMahi
Today I found out that Jed is allergic to cats. Just my luck. So Tessa is going to have the same fate as my other kitty. She will have to stay locked up in a certain part of the house after we move. I refuse to give her away though. Giving away my last cat was just too hard, and I don't want to give away another one. It's like giving away a child, and no one can tell me it isn't. I love Tessa so much. We will figure something out though, I know we will. I will pay for his allergy medicine if I have to.

Things are coming along. I have been doing laundry all day today. Not my fav task, but Adam agreed to do the dishes for me everyday until we move to make it a little easier on me. See, he can be helpful when he wants to be. LOL.

That's all for now folks.

Before & After

10 million dollars!
Idaho here we come!



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