< MaiKaMahi
I'm trying to update alot before we have no more internet on Friday. I don't have a whole hell of alot to say though. LOL. The Army came today and took an inventory of all our crap, and told us that they could have us all packed in one day and we will get our stuff in Idaho no later than November 3rd. So, we will probably be going to Arizona around the 5th of November and staying for a week.

I finally got to talk to my sister on the phone last night and she filled me in on all the family gossip. Same old, same old around there.

My step-dad's lawsuit is going to trial on the 3rd of November. They are suing for $10M. Holy cow what I could do with 10 million dollars. Whew.

I really need to get off my butt and clean tomorrow. Someone come over and smack me so I do it.

Before & After

Tessa allergies.



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