< MaiKaMahi
Jennifer seems to be gone from our lives. Finally. Thank the LORD. We haven't gotten an email, or a message, or any kind of attempt from her to get in contact or work anything out. She is a smart girl in that sense, because if she even thought about trying I would have a nice long nasty email in her inbox in no time. I have been holding back some fucked up remarks for a long time, and there is nothing holding me back from saying them now.

Okay now an update on my life. Remember when I was talking about the few girls who showed up to my going away party, and how I felt ditched and offended that hardly anyone showed? Yeah, well the few girls that did show decided to plan a surprise dinner for me and take me out to eat at the Olive Garden. They all planned a night out and told me not to make plans, then they came a got me and took me out and paid for it all. It was the nicest thing any of my friends have done for me in a while, and made me feel so much better after the whole BBQ going away party thing.

Well, that good feeling I got from someone doing something so kind for me was short lived. As soon as a few of the other girls found out about the dinner, and realized they weren't invited or included, they threw a huge fit. One of them actually left the message board, and she was in on the planning, just never followed through! A few others acted like they were left out of some group event on purpose because no one likes them. It was a dinner for ME planned by MY FRIENDS that just happened to be mentioned on the board. They couldn't just leave it be and let me have my awesome gesture and be happy about it. Noooo. They had to start drama. UGH.

As for the Army, we are still waiting on orders. Of course, we wait forever for them, but as soon as we get them we have to move our asses out ASAP. They can take their time but we can't take ours. Not that we want to. LOL. I am ready to be out of here already. I wanted to be in Idaho by Halloween, but that possibility is looking bleaker and bleaker.

Gretta met a man. I have been pretty worried about her for a while now. She was on a destructive drinking, smoking, and sleeping around streak, which I completely understood after the hell of a marriage she had, but I still got very nervous about. I had a hard time seeing her in full on drunk mode when I was visiting last, but I didn't say anything to her because she didn't need judgement, she needed support. I can't help but worry though, ya know?!?!

But anyway, back to the subject. She met a man, his name is Jed, and the way she talks about him he is a really short Prince Charming. LOL. Since I haven't met him, I am still wary, but I trust her to be honest about him and I hope she isn't clouded by the *idea* of finally having a guy worthy of her. I will be able to judge him for myself soon enough, and for the time being I am VERY happy for her.

I think Adam is itching to get back on the computer, so I have to go for now. I will update more later, because there is more going on (including a vent about my darling husband)! Oh, and by the way, my teeth are doing so good!! Neither one of the ones I had pulled gave me any trouble, and you have NO IDEA how happy I am to be able to eat again!! I got to enjoy my FAVORITE dill pickle chips tonight for the first time in MONTHS and I thought I was in heaven. LOL.

That's all for now folks. For the next update, check your local listings. ;o)

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Ditchin the Den Whore
Computer vs. Wife



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