< MaiKaMahi
I have a few things to talk about, but I don't know how long I am going to feel like sitting here and typing it all out so you may not get it all in one shot.

First of all, I went to the dentist today. The dreaded, terrifying, torturous dentist. I got one of my wisdom teeth pulled and you know what? It was NOT a big deal. He stuck me three separate times with novacaine, and after I numbed he attached something to my tooth and pulled with all his might til it popped out. The actual extraction took about 45 seconds and since it was so easy he reduced the price from $160 to $74. Not bad huh? So after the dentist, since we saved money, Adam took me to the grocery store and got me some Ben & Jerry's. Yummy to my tummy.

On to topic number two...

First of all, let me say that I love my husband and trust him completely. I am not afraid of him cheating on me or anything like that. I just think he is completely naive and doesn't need certain kinds of people in his life, and I certainly don't want them in mine.

Okay, there is this girl. Her name is Jennifer. Her and Adam had an online relationship kinda thing going on before I met him. They have never met in person, and she hasn't even sent him a recent pic of her ever. Red flag right? Well, not to him.

She proclaimed her love for him before he met me, and he was going to try and pursue a relationship with her offline, but very soon after I came into the picture and we got together, got engaged, and got married in a very short amount of time. He told her that he met someone else and it was over. Jennifer is 30 years old, and knows how to play the game. She knew that if she tried to keep him in a romantic sense, or if she told him that she thought he was making a mistake, she ran the risk of losing him forever. So, instead she backed off for a while (after I caught her flirting with him very inappropriately in a chatroom) and then slowly snaked her way in. I know that she has told him that she is still in love with him since we got married, but not for a while.

To tell you a little bit more about her, she is currently living with a man old enough to be her father and never plans on marrying him. She was with him while she was trying to pursue a relationship with Adam. Also, she talks about how much she wants kids, but the guy she is living with is impotent (the things you find out online). The fact that she is with a guy that she never intends on marrying or having children with, and that she was going to pursue a relationship with Adam and continue living with this other guy, proves to me how sneaky and manipulative she is. Adam just feels sorry for her.

Well, today I am talking to a girl that used to be friends with her and her whole online "family" (which is another story in itself). This "family" is a group of people from an online group we used to be in called the Den. Some of them are related in real life, some of them not, but they all believe that they are members of a "family tree" that is part of the Jewish mysticism. (They are pagan and incorporate all kinds of other religious beliefs into their personal belief system.) So, I am talking to this girl, who I have known and been friends with for a very long time, and we start talking about the "family" and her role in it. She informs me that the reason she is not friends with any of them anymore is because they all told her that to remain a member of the "family" she would have to break Adam and me up. Her job was to attack me. She also informs me that Jennifer is still in love with Adam, wants to be with him, thinks I am all wrong for him and I am bringing him down, and that the whole "family" thinks that I have been trying to get pregnant all this time just to trap him. They also think that he has a place already pre-destined for him in their little family unit and are waiting for him to fulfill his destiny, and that our marriage will never last so they are using Jennifer (and she is galdly doing this) as their source of information so they can pounce when it's over. Keep in mind, these are all people we know ONLINE. Crazy huh?

Now Jennifer is the only one out of that whole group that Adam still talks to. They have been online friends for years, and he thought that their friendship was strong enough to last through the online breakup. Especially since she acts like she wants nothing more than for him to be happy and she is glad that he is happy with me. She is constantly getting him to co-manage communities with her, play games like the Sims Online with her, and as soon as I made him cancel that because we couldn't afford it, she asked him to build a webpage for her. I know good and well she knows how to build and maintain her own webpage. Why else would she have him do it except to keep him close? She is waiting for him and I to break up, and wants to stay friends with him so she knows exactly when it happens. Then she can have him, and the "family" can have their lost member.

That's not the end of it though. Turns out that Jennifer also told Adam's sister that he called her up once over a year ago and actually cried to her, telling her that I told him I was pregnant and he was upset about it. What the hell is that? I didn't even have a legitimate pregnancy scare until 6 months ago, which is about 6 months or more AFTER she said that he called, and the one that I had before I NEVER told Adam about. Who thinks she was trying to pit Adam's sister against me by convincing her that he is miserable with me?

That's not the only time though. Another girl in the "family", Cery, once told my SIL that I called her a Mormon hater and said all kinds of awful things about her. I'm positive that she saw the close relationship that Adam and his sister had, and thought she could pit me and her against each other and Adam would pick his sister over me. Three problems with that reasoning there sweetheart. First of all, Adam KNOWS I would never say that about his sister. Second of all, I save all of my IM's and had proof I never said that. Third of all, she underestimated our relationship if she thought that some rumor from a random girl online would ever break us up!

So anyway, that's the story, and Adam found out about all of it today. He decided that he would IM Jennifer and give her a chance to fess up. He hinted at her that he knew what was going on behind closed doors, and fed her a line of bullshit a mile long that was so OBVIOUS that we know she saw it. The first thing she asked was, 'Have you been talking to Merri?' She KNEW that we were finding out their "family secrets" from someone! So Adam listens to her feed him shit for about 20 minutes, and while she is talking proceeds to either ban her from his groups, or cancel his membership in her groups, blocks and deletes her from his IM, and writes her a nasty email. Good fucking riddence. See what happens when you fuck with me?

And so, I leave you with the email...

"If your path is the path of pure evil that I saw, I will have nothing to do with it. I'm sorry, but that also means having nothing to do with you. Also, I've known for a few months that you have lied to my friends and family, trying to separate me and Trina. Things such as Trina trying to get pregnant to trap me, me calling you and crying because I thought Trina was pregnant. Also, as it was yours and the 'core' Den's belief that my marriage would never last, I would like you to relay that your sources of information are faulty. I urge you to re-evaluate the path you are on. If the vision I see is true, as your reaction leads me to believe, then passing into the next level of existence by cheating God and Goddess either will not work or will bring certain destruction. I am blocking you from all of my correspondences, and removing myself forever from the places I can not remove you from. This includes email.

I am disappointed in you, as I know that you can see the truth if you were to close your eyes and open your other senses. No matter how much you desire me and Trina to be separated, it will never change the fact that Trina and I are meant for each other. No matter how much other people are telling you that I am deluding myself, I know true love, and it is with Trina.

And, in case kindly telling you this does not work, f*ck off. Oh, and spells? Well, we know how well they work since they have only been reinforcing my and Trina's relationship. KharmaSucks, doesn�t it?

Oh, and when I said 'I'm sorry, but that...' Well, I was lying about the sorry part.

By the way, my curiosity is piqued... What did Merrique have to do with any of this? It's a shame I'll never know."

Before & After

Just call me cruel.
Mini Prince Charming?



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