< MaiKaMahi
I had my "going away" party last night. I was bummed out at first cuz hardly anyone showed up, and only two people showed up even close to when it was supposed to start. It started out being me, a girl I only know slighty, a girl I know kinda well, a girl I don't know at all, and Sondra. There were some screaming children and such, but that's all from the group. I was thinking that everyone abandoned me.

Then at around 8 PM, 4 of the girls I have known on the board for a really long time showed up. They were just late cuz one of them had to work. I ended up with 9 girls from the board there, and 22 people there total. My house was insane, especially with screaming children running around everywhere. It turned out to be really fun, and now I know who my real friends are.

There is another stupid fight going on on FLWC. This time the girls are fighting because some of them aren't "supportive" enough. Of course, it's the girls who actually have husbands over in Iraq right now who are being called mean by the ones whose husbands are at home. It all started cuz one girl posted about how her husband was stuck sleeping on the ground at the motorpool. So another girl says, well at least you get him home soon. Then another one agrees. Then another one jumps and says *just cuz our husbands aren't in Iraq doesn't mean we don't miss them just as much as you do*. Blah, blah. The whole thing is so retarded! I tried to post and calm it down, but no one cares. They just want to be right.

The thing that gets me, is the girls who are complaining about the wives with deployed husbands not being supportive are the same girls who think that anyone on the board who's husband isn't in the military anymore shouldn't complain when their husbands are gone. Retarded huh? I think they all need to calm down, and realize that it is not the same to have your husband in the field as it is to have him in Iraq. No one is shooting at your husband in the field. You know you will see him after the field exercise is over (barring act of nature or freak accident). You know he won't be in the field for a year or more. When your husband is in Iraq, he could DIE. Yeah, everyone says, well that's what you signed up for... we all know it could happen... blah... blah... blah. That is awfully easy to say when your husband is at home. When he is in a place where people around him are dying, and there is a VERY real chance that he could come home in a body bag, those words have a whole different meaning. They aren't so hollow and rehearsed. They are the harsh and unimaginable reality of your life, every minute of every day. I wouldn't feel like being very supportive to other people if my husband was deployed to a war zone. I would be the one needing the support. Maybe they will understand when they are in the situation.

I guess I am a bad, unsupportive, mean military wife for feeling that way. Oh well.

Before & After

Shut up about Jessica Lynch.
Ditchin the Den Whore



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