< MaiKaMahi
I am so tired of the Jessica Lynch thing I could scream. Why does everyone have to debate it all the time? No matter what you say, it's not going to change the fact that she got a bronze star, she is getting media attention, or that she signed a book deal. Leave the girl alone and talk about something productive. I love a good debate as much as the next guy, but some people are so insensitive. They are completely downplaying what the girl went through because they have this love to hate her attitude. What did she do to you? I KNOW other people in this world have been POW's. I KNOW that she is not the only one hurt in the war. I KNOW she is not the only woman in the military. That doesn't mean that what she went through is common. As soon as I see one of the shit talkers go to war, get injured in a humvee crash that happened during a fire fight when an RPG hit it, be left for dead, taken POW, raped and beaten, and then rescued dramatically after being held, abused, and questioned for weeks, then they can talk about how it's "no big deal" and she isn't special. Assholes.

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Fat fingered doctors from hell.
Just call me cruel.



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