< MaiKaMahi
Adam went to a psychologist today to get an eval so that he could start his "assertiveness counseling" and they diagnosed him as having schizoid personality disorder. No, not schizophrenia, but a MUCH MUCH milder case of something similar to it. This is what the disgnosis slip says...

Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family

Almost always chooses solitary activities

Has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with another person

Takes pleasure in few, if any, activities

Lack close friends or confidants other than first-degree family relatives

Appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others

Shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened activity

That is very Adam except the part about not desiring being part of a family. Family is the one thing that is very important to him, but he never seeks out relationships outside of family. His sex drive is low (which I always thought was weird but now I know why). He loves solitary activities like playing computer games, and that is about the only thing he takes pleasure in. He doesn't have any close friends outside of me and a few members of his family. He is very emotionally detached too. Makes sense to me.

So since he got diagnosed with that they are talking about giving him a Chapter 13, which means he gets all of his VA benefits. I just want it all to be over. He is going to have to go through a physical evaluation too because of his hip, which might drag it out, but we pretty much know that he is getting a discharge. The only way he could say in now is if his commander signs off on him, and we know that won't happen since his commander is the one who wanted him out in the first place.

This is kinda of a blessing in disguise because we have had a feeling that he would be getting out at the end of his probation since they have been pushing for it for so long, and at least this way he gets his GI Bill and all of his veteran benefits.

So that's the deal.

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