< MaiKaMahi
I still have the gross saliva thing, and now Adam has it too. We must be getting eachother sick or something. It's really irritating. I slept all day again so I will probably be up all night with nothing to do and nothing on TV. Same old, same old. If I didn't have the whole gagging salive thing going on I would get in there and finish cleaning up the laundry room since my nausea is gone, but I am afraid that the smell of the kitty poop combined with my abnormally sensitive gag reflex will just be vomit waiting to happen. Adam started cleaning it and was gagging himself, and he has a stomach of steel (unless there is Tequila in it. LOL). I guess it will have to wait til tomorrow!

On a good note, I got $160 yesterday from a friend of mine. She owed it to another friend that owed me money for watching her cats, so we cut out the middle man and she just gave me the money. So, I have extra cash. I also found out that Adam and I will be getting about $4000 to PCS to AZ at the end of the year. That is money I never knew about, and money that REALLY eases my mind. We had been saving money every month for the move, and it was putting a strain on things. Now we don't have to save because the Army will be paying more for it then we could possibly need. YAY!

Okay, time for me to go and order my father-in-laws father's day present. We are getting him a 6 pack of personalized Jones Soda. This is the picture we are getting put on the bottle. It is Adam at his best. His dad will think it's hilarious. LOL.

Before & After

It's a can't sleep, cold, clammy, saliva filled, widsom tooth pain kinda night.
Gay parents



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