< MaiKaMahi
It is 3 am and I can't sleep, and I have that gross saliva thing going on that you get right before you throw up, except I don't feel sick to my stomach so it's just annoying as hell and making me swallow alot. My mouth has been hurting ever since Adam got home which leads me to believe that I am allergic to him. We are back to the same old same old when it comes to sleeping, because I just can't get comfortable in bed when he is there and I am all worried about waking him up. I feel clammy, too. I have no idea why, but I get the whole hot flash cold skin thing. I STILL have a headache. I have been getting them every day since my second week in Idaho. I have decided it's time to get the right half of my wisdom teeth taken care of, but I have to find out Adam's days off before I can schedule anything.

I just wish this nasty mucus saliva thing would go away so I could sleep.

Before & After

I am a failure



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