< MaiKaMahi
I have been sick and light headed for about a week, and I am three weeks late on my period, so I went and bought a pregnancy test. OF COURSE it was negative and I was disappointed again. I am so sick and tired of this. So many people that don't deserve to have kids get pregnant all the time, and here I am wishing I would and NOTHING. Why me? It's not fair! Almost everyone I know is either pregnant or has kids, and Adam and I want a baby so much and nothing is happening. I feel like such a failure. I am a woman, made to make babies, and I can't even do that right. Why do I have to get stuck with this horrible body and not even be able to get pregnant. I am so depressed, and this is not how I wanted to feel when Adam came home. I have two days to get back on my feet or he is going to be mighty disappointed when he gets home. I just wish I would feel better.

Before & After

Feeling sick!
It's a can't sleep, cold, clammy, saliva filled, widsom tooth pain kinda night.



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