< MaiKaMahi
This is something I posted in a community on the topic of marriage. I thought it deserved a little diary space.


Okay, now let's see. My attitudes toward marriage. Well, the moment I got married my world changed. People say it is just a piece of paper, but for me it was so much more. Instantly my life was transformed into something with so much more meaning, so much more purpose, and so much more responsibility. illy changed from another guy, to a man, in a matter of two seconds. All of a sudden he was my life. It is so hard to explain. LOL. I just wish more people saw it for the huge life altering thing that it is, instead of as a legal contract that they can get out of anytime they don't want to deal with it anymore.

I have never been happier than I am now that I am married. I can't imagine my life without illy. It isn't marriage that makes me happy, as much as it is being married to him. I never thought I could feel so much pride, so much loyalty, so much concern, and so much love for another person (and to think, I don't even have kids yet!). I never thought that someone else would love me so much that they would die for me. It sounds so cliche, but when you have someone that would do that for you, the actual power in that is so overwhelming. I went from being a girl who was trying to find her place in life, to someone's world, with a purpose and an immense ability to effect someone else's life. I went from someone's daughter, to the future mother of someone's children. I went from just another person in the world, to someone else's entire world. And illy became all of those things to me (except a father instead of mother). I won't pretend that we don't have any problems. Everyone argues once in a while. But none of that matters when you look at the person you pledged your heart to, and you know to your very soul, that they will be there for you and love you no matter what.

The one thing that I have learned form watching almost every marriage in my family fail, is that you have to forget about being right. If you are so focused on being right all the time, you will never communicate. The only thing that matters in a marriage is feelings, and as long as you make your partners feelings and happiness your top priority (and vica versa), then there isn't anything you can't get through.

Before & After

What a weekend!
Could I wallow any more?



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