< MaiKaMahi
Okay, I know I haven't written in forever so here is the scoop, shortened version since it is 4:30 in the morning and I am dead tired.

Adam is gone to NTC until the middle of April and I am sooooo lonely! I am like sick lonely. No, I am not one of those pathetic girls, although I do love my husband enough to feel physically ill when he is gone. I just hate being so far from him for so long and I don't sleep well anyway, plus I don't eat well if I don't have him to cook for, so that makes for constant stomach aches.

And as if that isn't bad enough, I went out with the girls to the club night before last and got too drunk to fuck. LOL. Okay sorry, had to throw the NOFX reference in there. But really, I got so wasted that I ended up in the bathroom trying to puke. I actually only puked a tiny bit and felt better, and I think it was because I was dehydrated because I was back in the bathroom after that ready to pass out because I was SO HOT! I just had to get out of the middle of the hot noisy club and wanted to sit in the bathroom where it wasn't so sticky. Deanne was shoving drinks in my face all night too. I think I ended up drinking 4 shots and 5 mixed drinks. Not bad for a girl who never drinks eh? And I only puked up about a shot worth of vomit anyway. Betcha wanted to know that huh? LOL.

Tonight I had a goodbye party for my friend Dary. She has been living here for about a month and is getting ready to go back to Puerto Rico to live. When she leaves I will be all alone! She is leaving her cats with me and I am going to have to ship them to her cargo later. She has to go to Spain first because her grandpa is dying and she just can't afford to cart the animals with her all over the place.

But anyway, back to the party. I had 30 people here including me and Dary, and we had a blast! My first guest showed up at 5pm and my last one left at 4am. LOL. Fun fun fun!

Okay, I am too tired to type anymore. I am off to bed. Adam is calling me in 10 hours so I need some sleep. NIGHT!

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