< MaiKaMahi
Been a little while since I updated. Sorry!

Brian ~ Sorry I had no idea you lived near Issaquah! Next time we do a Krispy Kreme donut run I will be sure to let you know. In the meantime, you could always just bring me down some. :oP

My house is a DISASTER! Between the cat puke, hairballs, cat hair all over my couch and carpet, piles of papers from cats going psycho and knocking them all over the paces, cats fighting and running around and knocking over everything in sight, and cats climbing on my kitchen counters and in my garbage and knocking it over, I live in a pig sty. Or should I say a cat sty. Not that I am totally blameless, but I can pretend I am right? There is no way I am cleaning while I am sick though. Not gonna happen. And, if I leave Adam to his own devices, he sits on the computer all day and plays games. Maybe getting up and straightening something up, or doing a load of dishes, or folding the laundry that has been on the couch for 3 days never crosses his mind. Yeah, that was my day. How'd ya guess?

So I thought I was getting better, especially since I have been coughing up green mucus for 3 days (bet you wanted to know that). Turns out it was just making way for a new sickness. I had some stomach problems for a few days (Won't go into detail on that one. You DON'T wanna know.), woke up with heartburn like a mother today, and kinda started spotting today but that's about it. The spotting part is especially weird because I have never done that before I started a period before. I just start full force. Maybe my sickness for the past two weeks has thrown me off a bit...

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KK's and haircuts!
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