< MaiKaMahi
Today wasn't a bad day, despite the fact that I had an hour of sleep. I ended up staying up all night because I was too emotional to sleep, and then after sleeping an hour this morning I went with my friend to Issaquah to Krispy Kreme. I got two dozen donuts for Adam and I to munch on for the next week, and I got my hair cut. It was getting way too long, and Adam was constantly laying on it and pulling it, so I decided to chop some off. You know when you hair is so long that you get it caught in your arm pit, it needs to be cut. So, 6 inches disappeared. It is still to my bra strap, and looks SO much healthier. I got some long choppy layers in the front too. Once I take the time to blow dry it, I am sure it will look awesome.

Anyway, I am about ready to fall over now, so I think I will go take a nap. Have a great day!

Before & After

Changes ahead.
I didn't forget about you



did you miss?


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