< MaiKaMahi
Well, things are getting very weird. My husband decided something about his life and the friends that he keeps. He decided to make a change. Then someone IM's him today, and he blames that change on me. Now the rumors will be flying. I don't know why he is such a wimp, but I guess he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. That's all fine and dandy I guess. Blame me. Whatever. I'll be the bad guy. Anyone who knows him, knows that he does what he wants to do. Nothing I say or do will change his mind, unless he already agrees with me, but then he didn't really change his mind did he? That's why I don't try to change his mind about things.

Anyway, just for the record. Adam does what he wants. His reasons are his own. He has reasons for everything he does, and he thinks every move that he makes out very thoroughly before he does it. He just has a problem with explaining things when he is afraid he will come off looking like a jerk I guess. Poor boy cares too much about what other people think of him. He should know that true friends respect your decisions when they are made for the right reasons, and when you are doing something that you need to do to make yourself happy. Silly, silly boy.

Before & After

Sleep is my life.
Nuclear war, affirmative action, and left side-itis. Happy stuff eh?



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