< MaiKaMahi
I just watched the movie The Sum Of All Fears, and I really shouldn't have. Before, the idea of nuclear war scared me, but I didn't let myself dwell on it. Now I am scared out of my mind. Someone please remind me not to watch anymore military and war movies. It's bad enough that I watch the news and read all of the news articles on my homepage.

Today is Martin Luther King day. Yipee Skipee. I don't mean to sound callous, but I have never done anything special for Martin Luther King day. It's just another day to me. It's nice to have Adam home from work though. I just read an article about Bush working to change one of the policies that University of Michigan has as far as screening potential students. Apparently they use race as a factor as to whether you will get accepted there, giving blacks and hispanics preferrential treatment. The minoroity leaders call it affirmative action, but the opposers of the acceptance process of the university call it reverse discrimination. I would have to see exactly what their policies are, but I personally think that they shouldn't even ask for your race on a college application. You should get accepted into a school based on your scholastic aptitude. Makes sense to me. I read in the article that leaders like Jesse Jackson say that affirmative action is meant to make up for centuries of discrimination. So where does that leave the caucasion kids that work really hard and make good grades? They didn't enslave anyone to work on their farm. They just happened to be born white. Affirmative action should be there to prevent discrimination, not foster it in the name of payback or revenge. People tend to lose sight of the fact that we are all people, and have the same feelings and value no matter what our skin color. Oh well, little old me ranting about it in my diary isn't going to change the world.

So, onto more personal things. Adam has 4 spots on his left leg that are starting to worry me. It started out as two spots that looked like bug bits. Now there is two more, and the original two, and one other, are getting really big. They are starting to look like clusters of bug bites that are getting more and more inflamed. The fourth one is on the inside of his thigh, and the other three are on the outside in a half moon shape. It seems like everything that happens to him, happens on his left side. He has bursitis in his left hip that has been bothering his lately too. I think he is falling apart. Maybe I will end up with a right sided husband.

Before & After

Adam is Adam.....
I love him because....



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