< MaiKaMahi
Dammit, I am sick. No one I know is sick, but I got sick. It started with a sore throat a few days ago, and I thought it would just be that since I went two days with JUST a sore throat. But noooooo. I had to get full blown all the way miserable sick. I haven't been able to breathe out of my nose all day, my thorat is killing me, I have a headache, and I have ear aches in both ears. Lovely. I actually did get some sleep yesterday, which is surprising since I usually have a hard time falling asleep when I feel like shit. Problem is, I slept alot of the day away, and now I will be up all night. Again. I just hope there is some good movies on TV.

My husband proved what a sweetheart he is though. I am very much impressed. He took care of me all day, even rubbed my feet with lotion and walked to the store to get me cold medicine. He even cooked me dinner! *GASP!* He spent most of his day with me, and was hardly on the computer at all when I was actually awake. I even caught him coming in to check on me when I was laying down in the bedroom. SUCH a sweetheart!

And on that note, I will leave you with what I wrote about him in a game on one of my military communities. The game is called 'I love him because', and you start out by saying your name, and then list all of the reasons why you love your husband. Here is what I wrote....


My name is Trina and I love my husband because he thinks I am perfect.

I love him because he dances around like the guy on the Joe Boxer commercials just to make me laugh.

I love him because he repeats my order in his head all the way to Taco Bell, and still comes back with the wrong thing.

I love him because he always leaves me the last cigarette or the last piece of chocolate.

I love him because he says "I love you" to me when I come to bed, even if he is asleep.

I love him because he walks to the store in the pouring rain when I am craving something, even if it is just a candy bar.

I love him because everything makes him think of Spaceballs and Monty Python.

I love him because he tells me I am beautiful even if my face broke out, my hair is greasy, and I am so sick that my face looks like Casper the Ghost.

I love him because he eats my burnt food and pretends it's good, even if the smell of it makes me gag.

I love him because he dreams about me.

I love him because he lets me be right, even if I am wrong.

I love him because he never forgets to kiss me before he leaves the house.

I love him because he is my soulmate and I can't help but love him.

Before & After

Nuclear war, affirmative action, and left side-itis. Happy stuff eh?
Mucus anyone?



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