< MaiKaMahi
I am livid. Absolutely LIVID. I just read my SIL's diary and her husband has a gf. I don't know details, like how she found out or what she is going to do, but DAMN! She said in her entry that he hasn't slept with her (the gf), but only cuz he hasn't had the chance. What an ASS! I swear if he was here I would hurt him. Why are men such jerks? She also said in her diary that when they talked about it he blamed it all on her. Like she made it so hard for him that he just had to go get a gf. Give me a fuckin' break. HE is the one pretty much cheating on her, and it's her fault? I would love to hear his logic on this one. And after he was done explaining it, I would kick him in the nuts. I don't understand what could be so bad that he would just HAVE to cheat on her. What could be SO TERRIBLE about their marriage that he was thrown into the arms of another woman. Gretta stays at home and take care of his children while he goes out and travels around meeting other women. She stays faithful even when things are rough, when he gives up and gets a gf. Whatever his logic is, it's FUBAR. UGH.

I will stop now before my head explodes.

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Poor Sondra.
Sleep is my life.



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