< MaiKaMahi
I am still up, and extremely bored. I drank two cups of coffee earlier. NOT a good idea so late at night. I had just barely gotten my schedule back to normal sleep wise, and then I go screw it up by shoving caffeine in my face all evening. Lovely.

Since I am so bored, I decided to give all of you loyal D*Land readers out there a glimpse of my life. All 3 of you. LOL. You have probably even seen these before, but here are some pictures for you to look at. Aren't we adorable?

So, the online community that I have complained about in the past is at it again! DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA! It's ridiculous. I feel like I am walking right into a junior high school lunchroom when ever I sneak a peak at the morons in there. Now they are super paranoid that the girl that was doing all of their dirty work for them before, them being the managers of the group, is now doing it to them. Well, DUH! You can't bring a person into a situation to be the bully for you, and then piss her off and expect her to refrain from bullying you too. There is one woman in there that really irks the shiznit out of me. She seems to think that because she talks in a certain way, that she should be respected. Like what she says is gospel. I guess the fact that nothing she says makes a bit of sense doesn't matter. She is always using big words in ways that really don't make any sense, and thinks that that somehow makes her right on every matter. She assumes that because she is twice the age of almost everyone in the group, that she is the supreme authority. First of all, what is a woman in her late 40's doing in a community full of teenagers? Can you say mid-life crisis? Second of all, if you think that all of these youngins are so stupid, then why talk like you are from the renaissance era? Stop with the big words and badly constructed sentences. They don't make sense, and they don't impress anyone. If you want people to listen to what you have to say, if you really think you are right, and if you are really that smart, then you should talk to people in a way that they can understand. Of course, I am just a dumb kid in her eyes, so what do I know?

Then there is the shit stirrers. They aren't happy unless there is some kind of a knock down, drag out brawl going on. You know the ones, Every other word is fuck or shit, and they talk a big game but never step up to the plate. They insult you and try to call you a liar, but when someone does it to them, their only response is "Fuck you, I am going to kick your punk ass.". Real adults in there, I tell ya.

And those poor people who are in there trying to have a good time get caught up in all that crapola. I have a little bit of advice for those people.... GET OFF OF YOUR ASS AND FIND A HOBBY! Don't whine and moan about how horrible it is and how much you hate that people are fighting. Don't cry about how you are offended. Don't sniffle about how your favorite group is falling apart. Get up off your fat lazy ass and get a life outside of the internet. You don't know any of these assholes in real life. They don't know you. Go make some real friends, and SHUT UP ALREADY.

Can you tell I think it's all stupid? LOL

Before & After

Taking out the trash is just that hard.
Poor Sondra.



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