< MaiKaMahi
I have about 10 minutes until the pizza is done, so I will write a quick entry.

My husband is a retard. He just got all bundled up in all of his Army rain gear just to go walk outside and take out the trash. I guess walking across a parking lot to a dumpster is a big deal. I could have gone out there barefoot. LOL.

Well, looks like war is on the way. Alot of my friends husbands have been deployed, or have their deployment orders for various places around the world. My hubba hasn't even been warned of a possible deployment, but they do have them training an awful lot. I wouldn't be surprised if he got called up soon. I just hope that if they are going to call him, they do it sooner rather than later. I don't want him to miss his classes at the end of the year. Of course, it is the Army, so his future outside of the Army doesn't matter to them.

Adam's new favorite show is Dharma & Greg. He's a little late on that one, but since they are showing reruns on the WB, he has been hooked. Apparently Dharma, and her mom Abbie, and pretty good pagans. The jokes and how extreme they portray the paganistic aspects of their characters really cracks him up. I don't get it, but okay!

Well, now I am just searching for ideas of what to write about, so that means it's time to go. Ta-ta for now!

Before & After

Good news about the days off fiasco.
Oh the entertainment



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