< MaiKaMahi
Adam went to work yesterday and no one said anything about the days off fiasco. So, apparently it is being forgotten about. He didn't even get a counseling statement! YAY!

They have also been talking alot about promotions at his work. That is a good sign, especially since Adam will be up to get his E5 in a month. I just hope nothing goes wrong between then and now. I also hope we can get a car, because if he is going to be a Sgt he is going to need to be more reliable in that area. So far it has worked out okay, but can you imagine a Sgt having to get rides to work everyday? Yeah, well neither can I. LOL.

I still feel horrible about not getting anything for my neice for her birthday. I haven't even gotten a chance to call because I am asleep when they are awake! Damn backwards schedule. I think that when Adam gets paid on the 15th I am going to order her something online and have it sent to her house.

Well, that's all for now!

Before & After

Mixed up days off.
Taking out the trash is just that hard.



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