< MaiKaMahi
I don't really feel like writing because I have heartburn, so I will make this short.

We spent last week in Phoenix because Adam's dad bought us a car and we were going to drive it home. The stupid piece of shit broke down and we had to fly home. Somehow his step-mom turned it around on us and made it our fault even though we never asked them to do any of it for us. As if the week wasn't stressful enough, she had to pull that. Typical.

I started my period the day after we got home and I feel SO much better. I am even sleeping normal. Yay.

We aren't doing anything special for Christmas, so we invited our friend jeanette over for dinner. Her bf is in the Army and since he is stationed in Germany right now, she is all alone for the holidays. We are going to go to see LOTR - TTT with her tomorrow, too, and have dinner at her house.

Adam's parents get here on Thursday. We finally got the apartment spotless today. I was worried about it, but when I was gone with Jeanette today running some errands, Adam cleaned like a maniac. I am SO proud of him.

I called my family tonight on the phone. They were all at my grandparents house having the last Christmas there before the house is sold. Adam and I were the only family members not there. Kinda sad, but at least I got to talk to them.

That's all for now folks....

Before & After

The Marisol if's
Christmas Day



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