< MaiKaMahi
Adam and I talked about taking Marisol, and we decided that the only way we can take her is if 1: We can get enough legal rights to her to get her on Tricare. I wouldn't feel right taking her and not having insurance for her. And, 2: If I am not pregnant. I think that a 15 month old in the house, especially one that has just come to live with us recently, and me being pregnant would just be too much. Especially if I have morning sickness later on (*IF* I am pregnant that is...). And going from having no kids, to a toddler and a newborn... Um, Don't think so. Of course we would take her no matter what if the situation were that emergent, but at this point it isn't. It's just an option.

So that is the deal. We won't be bringing her back with us from Arizona, just because we wouldn't even have the time to go talk to JAG and find out what we would need to do to get her covered by Adam. Maybe after the holidays....

Before & After

Is change on the horizon?
Merry Christmas and junk



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