< MaiKaMahi
I just talked to my mother on the phone, and my sister is having problems with her babys father. He took the baby from her and won't give her back. He has no legal rights over her, first of all because CPS is involved and gave full custody to my sister Shevin, and second of all because he isn't a legal citizen. Well, since my sister is not in the right place in her life to raise a baby, she wants Adam and I to take her for her, and keep her for the year that we will be up here in Washington That will give her a chance to get a good job, get a place to live, and get her life back on track so she can have her daughter back by the time we move back down to Arizona. I have been offering to take her if she ever needed me to since she was pregnant, because I knew that something like this would happen. Adam is all for it, but I know that his family, and probably part of my family, are going to think we are crazy for offering. When my sister (different sister) and I were babies, our parents pretty much abandoned us and we were raised by my grandparents, and I am SO grateful that they decided to take us in even though they were in their 50's, in not so good of health, and in a tight monetary situation. I couldn't think of a better gift to give my neice than to offer her a stable home.

I am still not sure if it will happen, but if it does my life is about to change very dramatically!!

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Finally some good news on the car front.
The Marisol if's



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