< MaiKaMahi
Okay, I can now elaborate on the possible news, because it is actually news now. Adam's dad is buying us a car. It is an '83 Camaro, and we are flying down to Phoenix next week to pick it up, and then driving back home. This way we don't have a car payment, I get to see my sister and her pregnant belly (and hopefully convince her to come back to WA with us, but somehow I doubt that will happen), and we get a car!! We will be paying Adam's dad back, hopefully all at once with his tax return. I wasn't at all impressed with the fact that it is an '83, but from what my FIL said, it is in excellent condition, not even a scratch in the paint, and it purrs like a kitten. It's a stick, so I guess I will be learning on a stick after all, but hell, it's a car!

If all goes as planned, we will be flying to Phoenix on Monday, staying until Wednesday, and then leave early Thursday and drive through Cali and stay the night somewhere there. Then get up early on Friday and drive to at least Vancouver Washington, and stay at a friends house there. Then drive the rest of the way home, which is a few hours. I really don't want to have to stay in a hotel more than one night because we just can't afford it. What I would REALLY love to do is go through Idaho, but I guess the roads between Idaho and Washinton are all mountainous and with the snow there it just wouldn't be smart, or safe, to go that way. Oh, well.

The girl that I want to go stay with in Vancouver next week just sign on, so I have to go. Ta ta for now.

Before & After

Possible deal....
Is change on the horizon?



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