< MaiKaMahi
The car shopping begins. We really want an SUV, but not an overly expensive SUV. We want the room, but not all of the off-road crap. We just don't need it. So far we are looking at the Chevy Tracker, 2WD, 4DR, automatic Transmission, running around $18,540, and the Kia Sportage, 2WD, 4DR, manual transmission, for $17,590. I am thinking Chevy right now because I have no idea how much more it would cost to get an automatic transmission on the Sportage, and we want the cheapest one we can get. I like the way both of them look, and we don't need things like power doors and windows. I sent in some requests to dealers, so hopefully we will get some calls tomorrow....

Before & After

I hate money.
Cars, babies, and leave. Oh my!



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