< MaiKaMahi
Well, we overdrew again. We were so careful this time and wrote EVERYTHING down, and still we managed to overdraw. I have no idea HOW we keep doing this, but it looks like I am going to have to give up getting a christmas present to prevent it from happening next check. We also probably can't get any decorations, a tree, or anything of that nature. Not that I mind giving it up, because I could care less about all of that sparkly holiday crap, but I also don't want the memory of our first Christmas to be of me laying on the couch watching TV, and Adam on the computer all day. That's how we spent Thanksgiving, and I don't want Christmas to be the same. Oh well, what else can I do? I think I am going to have to cut off the cable. It isn't necessary.

I was so excited to get my present too. I have no idea how we are going to afford to get presents for the neices and nephews too. We will have to find a way because I already bought Ruby's present and I can't give her something and not everyone else something too. We will find a way.

Well, I was thinking I didn't have enough stress in my life to skip a period. Apparently I do. Now I am worried about us getting a car. This can't be good for his credit report. UGH. So frustrating.

Time to sit down and figure out what it is we need to cut out of our lives. Not that there is much to cut, but something has to give....

Before & After

What in a cemetary are you?
SUV or not to SUV...



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