< MaiKaMahi
Today was much better. Not that yesterday was that bad. I didn't go crazy or anything, just didn't feel like myself. Today I was in a much better mood.

Adam's leave starts Monday. He will be home for two weeks. I don't know if that will drive me crazy, or be completely wonderful. I guess I will have to wiat and see. If he slacks off and doesn't even try to go car shopping at all, then I will be very irritated having him here, but if he actually makes an effort to get something done about the car situation I will be supremely happy.

I think he has an anxiety disorder. He is really scared of things that really aren't scary. He has an irrational fear of talking to people. I have no idea what causes it, but it is starting to cripple him. He won't even call for pizza, and I had to sit next to him and encourage him for him to call the cleaners and check on his uniform. It is starting to really make me worry. People with disorders like that don't live happy and functional lives unless they learn how to control it. I think it is going to be really hard for him to go out and actually talk to a car salesman about buying a car, but if he actually does it I will be SO proud of him. I know how hard it is, I really do. I have an anxiety problem, too. I used to never talk to salespeople or call anyone on the phone. Ever. But as I got older it got better. Now I still get nervous, but I don't let nerves stop me. He isn't so convicted about it, or as confident about himself. It makes me want to smack him sometimes because he is so inbtelligent and so good looking and has nothing to be scared of. That's what makes it such an irrational fear. I just wish I knew how to help. He can't exactly go to a psychologist here, because if they think he has too much of a problem it may risk his military career. Since this is a temporary sitaution, and he is a rational guy, I know that just getting himself out more will help him learn to deal with it and get over it. Anyway, I am just rambling about it because I don't know how to handle it yet. Just be there for him and when it gets too hard, help him along the way. That's about all I can do.

Before & After

Foul, foul day
Pregnancy rant



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