< MaiKaMahi
Today has been... interesting. Adam didn't get a ride to work ahead of time, and had to call one of his Sgt's who was already in the office and ask him to come and pick him up for work. He got there in time, but Adam is on a kind of probation that requires him to arrange a ride to work before he leaves everyday, and obviously he didn't do that yesterday. Well, he was pretty scared this morning this his other Sgt, we will call her Sgt Meanie, was going to find out that he had to call the office for a ride, and was going to try and get him in some major trouble for this. So, all morning long I was worried out of my mind about it.

Then the day got better. Yesterday we got a message from housing on the answering machine, so I called them back around 11 am. They told me that Adam had already been to the office and accepted housing and got the address of the house we will be moving in to. This is good news for many reasons, but most of all because this will solve our ride problem until we get a car, and if he actually accepted housing then he couldn't have gotten into too much trouble. It is also great because we got offered housing in the nicest housing area on post. Anyone who knos anything about military housing, knows that more often than not, it SUCKS. Most of ther housing here is ugly blue 6-plex buildings with no carpet and that ugly linoleum on all the floors that always looks dirty. You get a carport that is kinda covered but pretty much not. They are very tiny and cramped, the bedrooms are upstairs, and the downstairs is a kitchen on one side, a staircase in the midle, and the living room on the other side. Pretty inconvinent set-up. Well, the housing we got is real seperate houses with single level floorplans which are much more spread out, and real yards and garages. Your house isn't touching anyone else's, and they look like HOUSES and not warehouse buildings. We might even get carpet, because from what I hear, most of the houses in that area have carpet. Now all I have to worry about is getting this apartment clean so we can move. Our cleaning deposit isn't refundable so I shouldn't worry too much about it, It's not like we get any money back if we clean it, but I still don't want to leave it a disaster area.

So anyway, that has been my day so far. Adam still hasn't gotten home so I have no idea if he got into trouble, but I really hope he didn't because he starts his two weeks of leave on Monday, and that is the time we are going to use for car shopping. Just our luck that he gets in trouble for not having a ride to work three days before he takes leave to go buy a car.

Before & After

Brain barf
Foul, foul day



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