< MaiKaMahi
Well The Ring was sold out, Bummer. So we ended up seeing Ghost Ship instead. Now, if you haven't seen it, this might ruin it for you. In the movie there is a part right in the beginning where it shows the "Ghost Ship" while it was still a regular ship. It was set back in the 1960's, so everyone is wearing that era of clothing and it is formal and fancy and all that jazz. Well there is a party out on the deck and everyone is dancing dressed up in ball gowns and drinking champagne. Then, all of a sudden, a wire attached to some of the equipment breaks loose and is all of a sudden very quickly swept right through the center of the crowd on the dance floor. Literally. People are cut in half, blood and guts every where, heads sliding off of bodies and torso's sliding off of legs. That kind of gore. As nasty as that was, we were all just kinda like "Ew!". No biggie.

Well, later on in the movie there is a part where the main character, Epps (Julianna Margoulis), is looking around the ship and finds herself in the room of this litle girl ghost she had seen following her around the ship. She starts looking through her stuff; dolls, cute little girl clothes, etc, etc; and opens the closet and sees the litle girls body hanging in there, all skeletal and gorey. Gretta and Susan both litterally jumped out of their seats and scareamed SO LOUD. It was HILARIOUS. I swear I laughed for a good 2 minutes solid, and I kept remembering Gretta's blood curtling scream and breaking out in the giggles as the movie went on. I am going to keep on teasing her until I leave, too.

Now we definately have to go see The Ring before I leave Weston. If she screamed once, out loud, like she was being murdered, at Ghost Ship, I am sure I will get to witness a few good yelps at The Ring. I can't WAIt....

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Candy ass??



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