< MaiKaMahi
Gretta made me drive. I do NOT know how to drive, and she just threw me the keys and said "We are going to Grandma Ruby's." and away we went. I did pretty darn good too. I went a little slow I'm sure, but it's a small town, no one noticed. I didn't send us flying off of a cliff, or into the side of a hill, or head first into a semi, so I think I did pretty damn well. Yay for Trina.

I still miss Adam. His shift changed so he is working noon to midnight now. He is calling me before work everyday, so I get to go to bed when I am tired instead of waiting up for him, and I get to talk to him during the day for longer than I would at night. Not a bad deal. And, this way he is awake at home for less time all by himself. He is also doing really good on the smoking thing. I am so proud. I have to admit I doubted he would ever quit for a long time there, but I am ecstatic that he is doing so well. Yay for Adam.

Okay, I am all 'yay'ed out for the night.

Tomorrow Gretta and I are going to see The Ring with Susan. It will be super great fun. I haveb't seen a scary movie in the theatre since Signs came out, and it wasn't exactly scary. Before Signs I couldn't tell you what the last scary movie I saw in the theatre was. If the movie sucks, it will still be a fun night. I bet I will have Gretta practically jump in my lap at least twice. Guaranteed...

Before & After

For cryin' out loud
AAHHHHHHHH!!!!! Hehehe



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