< MaiKaMahi
It is final. I am a blubbering idiot. I can't believe that I have bust out crying so much! And, it isn't like I start to think about anything, and then feel it coming on, and fight it, and then cry anyway, it's like all of a sudden I CRY! I must be getting old. I just miss my husband. I can't help it. I am kinda used to the guy, ya know? It is nice having him around and junk. ;o)

It's not that I don't love being here, because I do. Yesterday was a really good day. Gretta didn't have to work so we got to sleep in (you know I am all about the sleep), then we went to Preston for lunch with the girls, came back and I fell asleep again (told ya), and then we went and saw Lilo and Stitch at the dollar theatre. I had never seen that movie before, and it was SO CUTE! I almost fell out of my seat at the beginning of the movie when Noni was running home and almost got hit by the social worked in a car, and she called him a stupid head! ANYONE who knows me KNOWS I have been saying stupid head for YEARS! It is my all time favortie phrase! And, now it's in a Disney movie! I think Gretta is right about how the tv and movie people watch her. They must be watching me now too since I lived with her or something.

Anyway, enough about stupid head. Last night after the kids went to bed, Aunt Sue and Grandma Ruby came over and us 4 girls played Shangi-Hi. It was a BLAST. I laughed so hard all night, and I WON!!! I can't BELIEVE I WON!! WOO HOO!! All three of them, espeically Susan, are VICIOUS to play with. They get downright ugly! I think Gretta and I told eachother we didn't like eachother anymore at least 5 times. Gretta kicked me out of her house. Susan called all of us boogers, brats, meanies, etc, etc. I loved every second of it!

Today I am watching the kids for half of the day while Gretta covers a scheduling error at work. So far it is just me and Ruby awake. She has already stripped down half naked.....

Before & After

I - DA - HO!
Go Speed Racer



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