< MaiKaMahi
I am finally in Idaho. I really missed being here, but at the same time I REALLY miss Adam. I didn't think I would, but I do. It seems like FOREVER til I will be home again. Missing him has kept my mind off of smoking though. I have only craved a cigarette after I eat, and not even every time I eat. Quitting smoking is easier this time than it has been before. I wonder how hard of a time Adam is having.

The kids were so cute when I saw them for the first time. Angela and Billy came running up to me, and Ruby just stood there with her mouth open and this look on her face like she didn't believe it was me! They all loved the presents I gave them too. Angela even told me on the way home that I was the best aunt in the world. Driving home, and being in Logan, and being with everyone in Weston at church and after church at the house, felt like home. It is SO NICE. I just wish Adam was here with me....

Before & After

For cryin' out loud



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