< MaiKaMahi
So yesterday my sister calls me all upset. I ask her what is wrong and she starts telling me that she went to the doctor, and that her doctor wanted to rush her into to get an ultrasound early. She is getting too big too fast, and he wants to rule out twins! We both freaked out a little and talked about it for a while. She isn't even in the position to take care of ONE baby, let alone two. Her boyfriend is a loser who can't hold a job, and likes to disappear for days at a time. She would just leave him, but with her job she can't afford to live by herself, even working full time, and she can't get approved for an apartment with two evictions on her credit. No one in my family is willing to help her out and give her a place to stay until she can save some money and get on her feet again. Unless she decides to go to a shelter, she is stuck where she is. Living with the loser is better than living in a downtown Phoenix homeless shelter ANY day.

Well, I spent ALL NIGHT worrying about her. I couldn't sleep at all. I just kept praying that what ever happens, she can handle it. Finally around 11am this morning, she called me from a restaurant and the first thing she said was "I HAVE GREAT NEWS!!" THANK GOD! It is ONE baby, just a really big baby! They couldn't tell the sex, but everything looks fine. She is still only 14 weeks along, just happens to have a big baby in her belly. I can't tell you how relieved I am....

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I - DA - HO!



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