< MaiKaMahi
I got a new bra and undies! Maybe that doesn't excite anyone else, but I am super happy. My husband is the sweetest person on the planet and when I want something he jumps to give it to me. I am really not used to be treated that way. He already bought me a bunch of clothes, and now underwear and a bra, and he still wants me to get some new shoes. He wants me to look good when I go to visit the in-laws this weekend. I guess he wants to show me off even if he can't be there, which is fine by me!

I am getitng super antsy about going. No one there knows I am going except Gretta and Kelsey. It is going to be so neat to just walk into my aunt and uncle, and grandma and grandpa's houses when they have NO IDEA I am coming to visit. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces. I think some crying will be in order! At first I thought it would be cool if Gretta told them all I was coming and they had a surprise party for me, but I think that surprising them would be even better.

I really wanted to buy some presents for all of the kids, but I don't think we are going to be able to afford it since Adam will be coming home every night from the field while I am gone. He needs to eat. Oh well, me being there better be enough. :oP

Well, that's all for now folks....

Before & After

12 year old military wives.



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