< MaiKaMahi
I have made a decision today. The weight is comng off. I was sitting on the couch watching tv last night, and I don't know if it was the lighting or what, but I looked down at myself and realized I am far too fat. I am not monstrous, but I am big, and I hate it. I had convinced myself I was normal, even beautiful, because Adam is constantly telling me that I am perfect, but I think he is blinded by love or something. So anyway, that is my new month's resolution. October is when I buckle down and start to get conscious about myself. Why don't I just start now you ask? Well, I have to a point, because my frame of mind is already changed, but since I have done the grocery shopping already for the rest of this month, and we are broke, I can't go and buy different things. The Army doesn't pay enough for that. I am going to start walking with Adam every night, starting tonight, and as soon as my friend Sondra gets back from Cali on Monday, her and our friend Steph, and I are going to have a weekend date to meet up at my apartment and go to the gym. This should be fun. So much for my <~~~~~ Krispy Kremes....

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Ruby dreams and childish military wives



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