< MaiKaMahi
I had another dream yesterday about my niece Ruby. I seem to be dreaming about her ALOT lately. She pops up in every dream I have, even if just for a cameo. Can you tell I miss her? It's a good thing I am going to Idaho in October, or I think I would drive myself crazy with Ruby-ness! Don't ge tme wrong, I miss Gretta, Billy, Angela, Sue, Scott, Seth, Sam, Sarah, Grandma Ruby, and Grandpa Bill tons too, it's jsut me and Ruby have a connection. Hard to explain, so I won't bother!!

Well, it seems that junior high school girl syndrome has taken over one of my favorite military communitites on MSN, At Fort Lewis, so I decided to make a new one and just invite the people that don't completely suck. One girl, Kimberly, decided that she was going to talk shit about another girl, Tanja, in a Yahoo group that alot of the same members as At Fort Lewis. Not a smart idea. It wasn't so much that she vented in there, but that she vented with LIES. So, now Kimberly refuses to give in and apologize even though she was caught red handed, and anyone who approaches her privately telling her that they have heard the things she says about them (yes, it seems to be a pattern with her), gets their name dragged through the mud by her in the community. SO, since it is all really ridiculously immature, a few of us decided to make our own community and leave all of the gossiping parasites behind. So today Fort Lewis Wives Club was born. YAY!!

This is going to be fun....

Before & After

Which witch??



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