< MaiKaMahi
Well, Adam didn't have to go in the field overnight. He is still on a field exercise all week, but since they are staying on post for it, he gets to come home at night. Yay!

This last weekend Adam and I went bowling. When we got home I couldn't find my purse ANYWHERE. I started freaking out, thinking I had lost it or someone stole it. I cancelled my bank card and everything. Then day before yesterday I found it on my living room floor. DUH! The thing is, it was UNDERNEATH a bag that Adam hadn't taken to work, and hadn't been moved out of it's spot, for at least a week. How in the hell my purse got under there is beyond me. Oh well, the bank is already sending new cards, and I would rather have cancelled them and my purse not be gone, than not cancel them and it actually be gone. I feel like a bit of an idiot, but now that I don't have to replace my military ID, social security card, pictures, and keys (Oh, and can't forget my favorite brush. A good brush is hard to find!), I am a happy idiot.

I am dealing with more stupidity from these stupid online people who want to make my life hell. As if they could succeed. This guy calls me up last night telling me how all of this stupid drama going on is all my fault, blah blah blah. I had to laugh because IT IS ONLINE! Grow up!

Okay sorry, I know that made NO SENSE, but I had to do that. LOL. When I look back on this I will remember and laugh. Nothing that is going on with those psychopaths has anything to do with me, and it is stupid MSN stuff, so it is hilarious to me. They can think what they want. Doesn't bother me a bit. I have an amazing REAL LIFE so if they want to start drama online, more power to them. Kinda sad, but hey, whatever floats your boat, no matter how small the boat is.

Adam and I finally got a dresser. I have been dying for one for MONTHS. I have been moaning because we had no bedroom furniture and all of our clothes were on the floor. Have I taken the time to actually put the clothes IN the dresser?? Of course not! You know me better than that! :-P I would have to do laundry first!

I might have news soon, but you will have to wait and see. I talk as if anyone actually reads this. Haha. As if.....

Before & After

Family. It does a body good.
Credit SUCKS!



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