< MaiKaMahi
People amuse me.

Anyway, today I woke up SO SICK. I felt all clammy and nauseated. That sucked. Adam tried to make me feel better, but the more he touched me, the weirder I felt. After I got up and ate some bread I felt better though, and I was able to go back to sleep for awhile. Now I feel okay, just have a touch of heatburn raging in my chest. No biggie.

Adam leaves for a field exercise on Tuesday. He will be gone 4 days. My first extended time period without him since I moved up here. It will be weird, but I'm glad that his first one is so short. That way I can get a little taste of what the three weeks he will be gone in October will be like. I have a whole group of friends up here to keep me busy anyway. They won't let me mope. Not that I want to. I'm a tough cookie and might end up enjoying the time apart more than I will admit. :oP

I want to rant about family for a bit. I can't even express how much I love my family. Sure I may not have had a choice in who I had to be related to, but I know, even if we didn't choose eachother, we love eachother just the same. I can always trust my family to tell me the truth, and to be looking out for my best interest. I wish all of the people I am related to would realize that. I feel the same way about my in laws. I may have chosen Adam to be my husband, and even Gretta to be my best friend, but the rest of them were part of the package that I didn't ask for. I still love all of them, and I want the best for them. They are now my family just as much as my blood relatives are. I know that they might not all like me, but I love them just the same. I guess I am only ranting about this because I see so often where people will deny their own family members and write them off, and choose friends over them. It makes me sad, because your family is the only people that are in your life because they want to be and have nothing to gain from it. When you have friend, as close to them as you may be, and as much as you want to believe that they are in it for you, there is always something for them to gain from the relationship or face it, they wouldn't have become friends with youin the first place. As soon as you piss them off enough they are outta there. That is why friendships don't last, but families do. Now what I have said may not be true for EVERY FAMILY, or every friendship, but it is more likely than not true, and it is the case in all of my family. I have gone through much shit in my life, and the ONLY people that stuck with me through it, and who told me what I needed to hear, even if I didn't want to hear it and it hurt, because they cared enough to do so. They weren't looking to hurt me, or to gain, from telling me that I was screwing up my life. If anything they were risking their relationship with me by doing that at all. But they knew, because they love me, that enabling me would hurt me more. That is the bottom line.

Anyway, rant done!!! That's all for now folks....

Before & After

No PMS yet...
Field by day, home by night



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