< MaiKaMahi
I spent the day with my friend Sondra and had a blast. That girl is a riot. I met her on the Ft. Lewis community I am a member of, and we have become pretty good friends. Stephanie and Kat, two more girls I met from the site, came over there while I was there too. Girls like them make me so glad I joined the site.

Sondra has the cutest bedroom set, and now I want it! I am hoping that Adam and I can go to a bedroom place this weekend and look at some. He is also going to try and get a credit card from the Army. I don't know very much about that, so I won't pretend to, but I do know that you can only use it for Army stuff on post, like the PX and Commissary. If he gets approved for that, then we can go to the furniture store on post and get a bedroom set with it, as long as he gets a high enough credit line for what we want. With his lack of credit, we will be lucky to get a $200 limit. The credit system (if you can call it that) sucks. Because he has no current credit history, they treat him the same as people who have bad credit. You would think that no credit would be better than bad credit, but I don't think that normal people make up the rules. or else they would be NORMAL! Common sense has no place in the world of credit.....

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Field by day, home by night



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