< MaiKaMahi
Poor Adam. They are working him so hard. He had 18 hour days last week all week long, and then this week seemed normal enough at the start, but then this morning they made him go back at 2am to do a mission. Something to do with satellites and a plane in Florida or something. I don't get it, but he has to do it whether I get it or not. Now it is after 4pm, and he just got home and is already conked out on the couch. Poor guy!!

I really don't have anything else to write about. Life is pretty mundane lately, which is the way I like it. No surprises. I haven't heard from my sister about her pregnancy in a while, so I have no idea how she is doing, but Adam got paid today, so at least I can go buy a phonecard. I will have to update on her later....

Before & After

Military life so far....
No PMS yet...



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