< MaiKaMahi
WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!!!!! I wish that whiney little girls that didn't bother to look into military life before they, or their husband, signed up, would stop whining about it and blaming everyone else for their problems!

Okay, that is my rant for the day. Now for the updates.

Amy number one. The guy that she was falling for that was sitting on the fence.... Well he no longer has a fence post up his butt. He has chosen Amy, and they are both getting all fluttery and mushy waiting for October when he comes out to meet her. She is happier than I have ever seen her, but I really hope that it isn't all based on him. She needs to be happy with herself, not just because she has a man.

Amy number two. Her and Dan moved out, so I hadn't talked to her in a while, but I found out that she lost her baby!! I know how excited she was, and I feel horrible for her. She couldn't get her immunizations for school because she was pregnant, so she moved out of her apartment to go live with her parents until she had the baby, then she lost it, and it is now too late for her to get her immunizations and try to get back into school. So she is stuck at her paretns with no baby on the way, no apartment, and no way to get back into school. Oh did I forget to mention that her husband just left for a year long tour in Korea??

Adam and his sister are still not speaking. One of the girls in the community that all of this mess started in, left because she was caught trying to turn someone against another manager who was supposed to be a friend of hers. So one of the reasons why my sister in law, and the managers of that community, believe I was such a bad person, has now proven what kind of person she is. Have I gotten an apology? No, but I didn't expect one. Has anyone emailed me to try and work anything out? Of course not. My apologies and attmepts to work it out weren't good enough then, so I am not going to try now. I just hope they see what I was saying all along.

I am finally starting to do some military wife kinda stuff. I went bowling with a bunch of girls from a community I am in of wives that are stationed up here at Ft Lewis. It was fun although I felt a little out of place. I'm going to a meeting for spouses for enlisted men tomorrow too, and probably to a game night for the ft lewis site on friday. There are a few girls on the site that really remind me of me, and I am hoping to get to know them better.

Otherwise life is boring. Adam has been training pretty hard recently, and was working 18 hour days all last week. Poor guy was so exhausted he could barely keep his eyes open to eat. He is supposed to be working normal (at least for the Army) hours this week, but I am not holding my breath! I will believe it when I see it.....

Before & After

Horribly short and vague update
Poor exhausted Adam



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