< MaiKaMahi
Well, I know I haven't written in a while, but I have been pretty busy for once in my life. My cousin is here visiting form Arizona, and we finally got the car fixed so we could take him around and show him some stuff up here. Yesterday we went to Portland and visited my friend Amy. Amy is very suicidal, and I hope that us going to see her made at least one of her days worth living. She is such a great girl and I don't understand why she has such low self esteem.

Right now Adam and I are focusing on building a life together and a future. We are not trying to get pregnant really, but we aren't avoiding it either. If it happens, wonderful. If it doesn't, then we have plenty of time in the future to have kids. Of course we would love to start having kids now, but we leave it up to God to decide when it is best for us. Adam is going to start negotiating with the recruiters to get the best re-enlistment deal he can. We want a good bonus, hopefully $20,000, and hopefully for him to go green to gold. If he goes green to gold, he gets to go to school on the Army's dime to get a degree, and then gets bumped up to Lieutenant, and goes from enlisted to officer. We might try to get a tour in Germany first, but if we can go green to gold first and still get a tour in Germany later, that is okay too.

We finally got some furniture in the apartment, too. Our neighbors next door gave us a gorgeous couch, and we got a bigger tv and an air bed. We still don't have a computer desk or chair, any table or lamps for the living room, any dining room furniture, or any other bedroom furniture, but his parents are either going to send us a dresser and makeup table, or give us some money to buy new ones. Either way we are very grateful that they have been so great to us.

Adam is having a few family problems, but they are online related and seem pretty pointless. In his efforts to defend me in a community that I am no longer a part of, him and his sister got into a fight. The things that she posted in that community she saw as community business, but he took it very personally. Besides the fact that they were false, they were hurtful. I am not in that community to defend myself, so he took it upon himself to defend me. I am proud of him for it, but I wish that it didn't have to be his sister that he is fighting with. It all started because one of the managers in that community took some things that I told her out of context, and told Adam's sister about them. I found the IM between that manager and myself saved on this computer, and tonight I sent a copy of it to her. I am hoping that it will clear up any misunderstandings, but as for what was posted in the community, since Adam's sister doesn't see talking about our personal life in a demeaning way in a community that I am not a part of, and telling everyone there that I am a bad person, as "personal", I don't know if this will get straightened out. I would personally like for him to just take a break from the community and let it all cool down, and I think that he is so tired of the drama and getting attacked for defending his own wife, that he is going to do that. I only saw him address the issues that she herself brought up in there (I watched him read her posts line by line and respond accordingly), but alot of the people in there think that he was the one that was attacking, and she was just stating community business. He said something about addressing the posts, and his responses, point by point to the managers so that they will hopefully understand, but since his sister deleted one of her posts, that might be hard to do. I personally am ready to just walk away from it all, except that one of my once dear friends thinks that I hate her, and I don't. If it works out, then it works out, and if it doesn't, then it doesn't. It's just sad that things in an online community can come between a brother and sister when there are so many other more important things in the world to worry about. Amy has made me realize that. There are alot of other issues in this certain fight that are all tied in, but it is too detailed and confusing to get into. I bet that the part I already explained has been confusing (and boring) enough!

Anyway, It is late, and I am not tired. I have been having a very hard time sleeping lately. I think it is because my sleep schedule is completely screwed up from staying up all night and all day lately to talk to Amy online. Things are finally starting to look up for her, and that makes me happy, but at the same time I am prety scared that something will not work out as planned and it will all come crashing down again. She deserves all of the happiness in the world. I just wish I could give it to her.....

Before & After

Short update.
Horribly short and vague update



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